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七度音程女人 The Last House on the Beach

七度音程女人 The Last House on the Beach

译  名 七度音程女人 / Terror / The Last House on the Beach
片  名 La Settima donna
年  代 1978
产  地 意大利
类  别 剧情 / 惊悚 / 恐怖
语  言 英语
上映日期 1978-04-20
豆瓣链接 https://movie.douban.com/subject/2216842/
片  长 86 分钟
导  演 弗兰克·普罗斯佩里 / Franco Prosperi
演  员 劳拉·特罗德尔 / Laura Trotter
      雷·洛夫洛克 / Ray Lovelock
      弗洛琳达·布尔康 / Florinda Bolkan
      谢丽·布坎南 / Sherry Buchanan
      伊莎贝尔·皮萨诺 / Isabel Pisano
      路易莎·马内里 / Luisa Maneri
摄  影 Cristiano Pogany Cristiano Pogany
剪  辑 Francesco Malvestito Francesco Malvestito
化  妆 玛丽亚·特雷莎·科里多尼 / Maria Teresa Corridoni

简  介 

  Just for the record the Italian title of this film is "The Seventh Woman". Three bank robbers on the run in their aging Citroen come across a remote beach house & find that as a perfect place to hide out. Trouble is though the house is occupied by a few Catholic school girls and their teacher who is also a nun. The sadistic bank robbers move right on in kill the maid and then proceed to have their way with a a couple of the girls and their teacher. One girl spurned one robber's advances with a deftly aimed comb handle to the groin area and he's not doing too well though. The girls of course and the nun are not about to continue to be subjected to rape & torture and eventually get the upper hand. This is no where near as nasty as "Last House On The Left" it's more a rather pale imitation. Still though it's a decent enough exploitation film if you like that sort of thing but there's nothing to elevate it above that particular distinction. 6 out of 10.

 弗兰克·普罗斯佩里 / Franco Prosperi
七度音程女人 The Last House on the Beach

